Write Right


Did you write your New Year’s resolution? This year it is more so important as the whole of 2020 has gone by throwing challenges of survival for one and all due to the global pandemic. This year is going to be challenging. You have to write a resolution and try your best to stick to it. It wi

Write Right

Handwriting Contributes To Development Of Language

As a kid writing means using a pen or a pencil for writing on a paper or using a key board for the same. While when one wrote with hand errors were difficult to correct and change. Also many a times the content was even more difficult to decipher, due to illegibility in the writing. This even made r

Write Right


IS HANDWRITING RELEVANT TODAY? The relevance of handwriting is being questioned very often these days, and quite a few of us have started believing that in today’s hi-tech era handwriting is not important anymore. This is far from being true. Based on the scientific studies we can identify se

Write Right

Craft Your Handwriting Skills In This Keyboard Era!!!

Some people think that the advent of technology means the demise of handwriting and all that is connected to it. Those who belong to this school of thought believe that the keyboard is more than sufficient for everything related to writing. There are parents today who do not even bother to teach the

Write Right

Handwriting Lab: Educating Handwriting

Write Right, an Institute of handwriting technology is incorporating in the people, the importance of good handwriting skills since over 16 years. The company has successfully served over 5, 00,000 students by far. Now, to make handwriting ‘viral’, Write Right has come up with introducing its f